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So Far Into You Page 2
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Page 2
‘We’ll worry about that when we get there,’ Blake said.
‘That’s my brother for you,’ Seth muttered behind her.
Her laughter escaped before she could rein it in. Seth laughed too, and Remy thought that she hadn’t had this much fun in months. Not since she’d cut her viticulture degree short six months ago and moved home to get a job and help her mother. There hadn’t been a lot to laugh about.
The starter fired his gun and Blake shouted: ‘Left foot. Left!’ It took them precious seconds to gain any momentum.
‘Left foot, Rina!’ Blake yelled.
‘I’m try-ing,’ Rina yelled back.
Remy stole a look left, they were half a plank from the lead; and to the right there wasn’t a soul beside them. They had almost reached the hay bales when the storm tore the park apart.
Thick raindrops of ice-cold water slapped Remy’s face, borne by a wind gust that overturned plastic chairs and tumbled tables across the grass. All around, the plank race spluttered and died. Later, Remy remembered it like an old-time war movie, with the director shooting in slow motion as soldiers fell on every side. Only in this movie there was no wash of red blood and the roar was the wind, not a machine gun spraying bullets.
The crowd flinched as the storm hit. Then everyone broke and ran for the safety of the marquee, jamming hard against those at the entrance who were watching and wouldn’t budge.
Remy was drenched in seconds, cotton skirt tangling at her legs, hair plastered across her face. She could hardly see a thing.
In front of her, Blake slipped. He slipped again and there was a half-second where Remy was left holding his t-shirt as it wrenched free of his shorts. Her feet stuck fast in the bands on the plank and she swayed, hands outstretched. Then she let go of Blake’s shirt and he hit the grass on hands and knees, pushing off, almost colliding with Rina. The pair lurched for a copse of gum trees on a small rise.
‘Come on,’ a male voice urged. Seth stood a few metres away facing the trees, hunched against the wind with his torso half-twisted toward her.
‘I can’t,’ she said, and she laughed.
He averted his face to keep the water out of his eyes and she thought he must think her mad because she couldn’t stop laughing. ‘My foot’s stuck.’
Her ankle had pushed straight through the elastic binding. Short of sitting and pulling her foot free, she was trapped.
Seth swore in the direction of her toes, but started back against the wind.
‘Leave me. Save yourself.’ Remy swiped the back of her hand over her eyes.
‘Goose,’ Seth said. ‘Think what it would do for staff morale if I left you behind.’
She stopped laughing because he hadn’t been acting like the boss for the last five minutes but the comment about staff morale reminded her of who he was. She was suddenly terribly conscious of the clinging pink dress and her drowned-rat hair, and wasn’t so sure being stuck in a rainstorm with her CEO was that funny after all. Then the first hailstone scratched a trail of blood from her arm.
‘Shit. Hold on.’ Seth reached her, wrapped himself around her, and stood with his body sheltering her from the storm’s full force. Remy ducked her head into the depth of his chest and concentrated on not being scared, and on making herself a tiny target.
Two things happened. For the first time in a very long time, she felt safe. Someone else was taking responsibility for her. Someone else was being strong. She’d been the protector for so long she’d forgotten what it was like to be looked after. Then gradually, as wet skin and cold clothes met and merged, warmth flickered along all those points where their bodies touched.
Remy had time to think: ooh, nice.
As quick as it hit, the hail lessened and Remy risked a peek over Seth’s shoulder. The group of plank walkers who had reached the trees made a second break for the marquee. Blake led the way.
‘Ready to run for it?’ Seth asked.
Not quite. Remy closed her eyes and pretended she hadn’t heard.
Seth had forgotten how fast Margaret River spring storms started and stopped. It was raining still, but the hailstones petered out almost before they’d begun.
‘Ready to run for it?’ He asked.
There was a moment where he thought she’d snuggled even closer; and almost imperceptibly, Seth’s arms tightened. She was tall, this girl, even without those crazy silver heels. The crown of her head fit perfectly into the space beneath his chin.
The rain lessened. It was time to move. Damned if he found that he didn’t want to step away.
‘I can’t run till I get my foot out of this thing,’ Remy said.
Her words whispered across his throat and the tickle of her breath stung him into action. Seth knelt to check the plank, the elastic, and Remy’s lovely ankle.
‘Hold on to me.’ He needed two hands to get her free: one to tug at the elastic and the other to hold the plank. Remy balanced on one leg and took a death grip on his shoulder.
After a moment of careful consideration and gentle manoeuvring, he popped her ankle free.
A red welt circled the front of her left foot. He traced the crescent with his finger, inexplicably angry with the universe for causing her hurt, and flinched when he felt her touch his ear.
‘You’re bleeding, Mr Lasrey.’
‘It’s Seth.’ He reached up to his ear, brushing her hand on the way. His fingers came back bloody.
Gaining his feet, he stared at the bedraggled woman beside him. A smattering of freckles dusted her nose. She had a wide mouth, full lips that the rain had left disturbingly moist, and he would bet next years’ vintage that when she smiled—which she wasn’t doing now—the smile would be crooked. Right now, her grey eyes looked very, very, serious. Like a scientist one DNA-strand short of a career-defining moment.
She was stunning. She was too damn young. She was his employee, and he didn’t know what kind of relationship she had with his brother.
That put her off limits for so many reasons.
‘You’ve cut your ear.’ She started patting at her sides like a mother looking for a tissue to wipe her child’s skinned knee.
‘Forget about my ear,’ Seth said, more severely than her kindness warranted, but she caused him aches in very different places and she was worried about his ear? ‘Stay here, Remy. I’ll be back when I’ve got your things. I’m taking you home.’
I’m taking you home before every man in this park gets a look at you and volunteers to play taxi. My brother included.
Chapter 2
When Seth returned with her shoes, his shoes, and a big padded jacket over his arm, she’d gathered her wits enough to tell him she’d come to the festival with Blake: freezing or not, she couldn’t just leave.
‘Blake’s in no condition to drive. I told him I’d take you home.’ He said it like that ended it.
Remy, however, had no intention of letting him see where she lived. ‘It’s too far out of your way. I’ll call a taxi.’
‘In the time it takes you to call a taxi, wait for it and then drive to Margaret River, I’ll have you home. Look at you, you’re shivering.’ He touched her arm and there was something tentative about it, like he thought she might bite, or run. ‘Here, put this on.’ He gave her his jacket.
She gave it back. ‘I’ll ruin it. I’m soaked through.’
‘It’s only water. It’ll dry.’ He draped it over her shoulders and gave her a little push in the direction of the car park.
‘You really don’t need to do this, you know.’
‘Remy, I’m not leaving you here. Do you think you could move it along? This storm isn’t finished. Look at that sky.’
He had a point. Something ominous was brewing in those clouds. ‘Okay. Look. Thanks. I appreciate it.’
He gave her the shoes to carry and kept walking. ‘Good. Now get in.’
His car was black, low to the ground, and smelled expensive. She hesitated and he got impatient all over again: ‘It’s only water, Remy. Get in. Don’t worry about the seat.’
‘But it’s such a nice seat.’
When he turned the ignition, classical music filled the car. He turned the music off.
The car was a Nissan, like her mother’s. That’s where the similarity ended. This car was so smooth on the road after her mother’s clunky Dual Cab, even with all the blustering wind she had to keep leaning across the seat to check whether he was speeding. He wasn’t.
He put the heater on, and between that and his jacket she stopped shivering. After that, she noticed little things: like the scent of his jacket and how the inner lining felt so silky on her skin, the vibration of the car on the road, the confident way he drove.
‘So,’ Seth said, turning the heater off.
‘So, what?’
‘So, I’m curious about what’s going on between you and my brother. So, I’m wondering if you’re going to tell me your address any time before we get to Augusta.’
‘Well … I live up past the old hospital. If you drop me at the hospital, I can walk the rest of the way.’
‘And you and Blake?’
She didn’t answer and his left hand tapped the steering wheel, just once, like it had done something bad.
‘Blake is a good friend. Most of the kids I went to school with have all moved away from Margaret River so it’s been good to find a mate here. We hang out at the beach. I mind Occhilupo. It’s nothing more than that. I know the company’s rules, Mr Lasrey.’
‘Call me Seth,’ he said again. Then his dark eyes flashed a question: ‘Who is Occhilupo?’
‘Blake’s puppy. Blake doesn’t like leaving him behind while he surfs, so I puppy-sit.’
‘Puppy-sit,’ he snorted, more to himself than to her. ‘Why does Blake buy a puppy if he’s planning to join the Pro Tour?’
‘I thought that was a secret.’
Seth said: ‘He must have mentioned something. My mother knows about it. So tell me, what do you think about it?’
‘The puppy or the surfing?’
‘The surfing.’
Remy thought it through. She didn’t want to tell tales out of school but she did think it was important Blake’s family knew how serious he was about his surfing. ‘I think he should do what he wants. He said it’s always been a dream. What about you? What do you think about it?’
‘It’s a pipedream.’ His voice was flat.
‘I’ve seen him in the surf, he’s really good—’
‘That’s not enough. Do you have any idea how many good surfers there are in Margaret River?’
Remy held her ground. ‘I do, and I think you’re underestimating him.’
‘He’s too old.’
‘Twenty-two is not old. I’m twenty-three.’
Seth laughed. It was short and sharp and not particularly pleasant. ‘Most of the guys, if they’re going to get a start on the tour, they’re in their teens.’
Remy couldn’t answer that.
She liked going to the beach with Blake, but once he joined the line-up she couldn’t tell him from the other surfers in the water. She liked watching the surfers ride the waves but she could only handle so much of that before she lost interest. That was when it was nice to have Occhy to take for a walk.
After a time, Seth changed the subject. ‘Do you know who Occhilupo is?’
‘Of course.’ She did know, now. ‘Mark Occhilupo was Blake’s idol.’
‘He had so many posters of Occhy in his bedroom when he was a kid.’ He smiled and Remy decided it made his face so much nicer. ‘Did you know who he was, or did Blake have to tell you?’
‘I knew,’ she said indignantly.
Seth eyed her across the car. ‘Liar.’ Then his gaze returned to the road.
They were inside the town boundaries now and he’d slowed crossing the bridge. It was Saturday afternoon and town was busy with tourists, like always. Judging by the puddles over the road and the height of the river, the storm had hit hard here too.
Seth stopped on the main road and waited for oncoming traffic before he could turn up Tunbridge Street. ‘Where did you say you live?’
I didn’t. ‘Just drop me at the Old Hospital. I’ll walk from there.’ The houses opposite the Old Hospital were actually quite quaint.
‘I am not dropping you at the Old Hospital. It’s still miserable out there. Just give me directions.’
‘It’s fine. I like the walk.’
‘Barefoot? Or would you put those shoes back on for the hike?’
‘Oh, fine.’ Hell and Tommy. ‘If you turn right past the hospital, then first left. I live up there. There’s a big hedge out the front.’
‘That wasn’t so hard now, was it?’
Actually, it was excruciating. The houses on her street weren’t any kind of quaint and her place was the worst of the lot. It was right at the end of the cul-de-sac and it might as well have had a sign out the front that said: renovate or detonate, or just plain kill me now.
‘Here?’ Seth said, slowing as Remy pointed to the overgrown photinia hedge.
Next door’s blue heeler barrelled out to the adjoining fence, barking at Seth’s car. A soccer ball bounced after him.
Remy started to shrug out of Seth’s jacket, but he said, ‘Keep it till you’re inside. You can bring it to the winery on Monday.’
‘It’s a long weekend.’
‘Then Tuesday.’
‘Are you sure?’ What if she snagged it on the doorway? What if there was a breakin? That jacket would be the most expensive item in her house.
‘I’m sure. I have to get back to the festival to present a trophy, so if you don’t mind …’
‘Oh, I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you say?’ Remy scrambled out of the passenger seat, clutching the jacket around her throat, clutching her shoes as the wind tried to spirit them away. ‘Thanks for the lift, I really appreciate it. I’ll look after the jacket, I promise.’
‘See you when I’m looking at you,’ Seth said.
Remy watched his car turn in the cul-de-sac and speed back down the hill. She watched till it turned the corner, trying to snap her brain away from the scent and warmth of Seth’s car, into the reality of misty-grey slush and puddles.
Next door, her neighbour screamed at the two boys who’d chased after the soccer ball and the dog. ‘You kids! Get the hell out of the rain.’
They were ten and twelve, those kids. The youngest on the verge of turning sullen, the eldest: already there. She was sure they’d kicked their ball after the blue heeler so they could get an eyeful of Seth’s car. Cars like that never turned up this street.
The not-quite-sullen kid waved as Remy snuck between the fence and the Dual Cab. The other kid ignored her. The dog growled.
Seth drove north with the window open and Tchaikovsky loud in the speakers. The icy air cleared his head. The music filled it. Clear or fill—he didn’t care. What he needed to do was keep Remy out.
Every time she’d breathed in, right there on the seat beside him, he could have sworn the air in the car moved. Like she was the moon, and he’d been sucked into her gravitational pull.
Seth scrubbed a hand through his hair. Maybe he needed that holiday more than he’d thought, or maybe he had the worst case of jetlag in living history. An hour with this girl and she’d seriously messed with his head.
He thought about what she’d said: about Blake, about the puppy. Then he thought about how she’d said it. She had a wonderful voice: slow, soft, considered.
Seth gave up on the icy air—all it was doing was freezing his nuts—and buzzed up the window.
He needed to talk to Blake, see where his brother’s head was at, but he believed Remy when she said there was nothing going on between them. She was a good kid with a kind heart, he was sure of it. Nothing trained a man to judge character like running his own business.
Yeah. And if I keep calling her ‘kid’ long enough I might even believe it.
Thank God he’d had a jacket to throw over that ‘kid’ or he might have crashed his damn car trying not to stare at the way her nipples fought the fabric of that pink dress.
Seth slowed near the park. The crowd had thinned and it wasn’t hard to find a slot for the GTR near the marquee. All he had to do now was get in, present his father’s trophy and get out.
‘You’re home early,’ her mother said, as Remy shucked Seth’s jacket from her shoulders and draped it over a kitchen chair, fussing at the sleeves to stop them creasing. ‘You’re just in time for the second half. Eagles are up.’
Lexie Hanley had a plate of sliced apple and cheddar cheese on her lap. A glass of cheap and cheerful white wine balanced against her thigh. In the pot-belly stove, the fire glowed low and the room was cosy enough that Remy didn’t miss the jacket’s warmth. Losing the silky texture and the divine Seth smell was a different matter.
‘So, how did it go? Did you get hit by that hailstorm? I thought our roof was going to blow off for sure. I couldn’t hear the game it was so loud.’ An advert came on and she tore her eyes away from the television. ‘Oh my goodness, love! What happened?’
Remy waved her soggy, grass-stained shoes at her mother. ‘We got caught in the storm. Go on, you can say I told you so, I know you want to. You didn’t want me to go to the festival with Blake.’
‘I told you so.’
Remy stuck her tongue out and Lexie laughed. ‘Get changed, love.’
Once the dress was in the washing basket and she’d brushed the grass off her shoes, Remy made herself a hot chocolate. Chocolate appealed to her more than sauvignon blanc.
‘Did you have a good time?’ Lexie asked, turning the volume lower. ‘It’s such a long time since you went out and did something for yourself. You’ve been working so hard.’
‘So have you, Mum. Hopefully after a year or two of this, we’ll have paid Doug Mulvraney back. It won’t be like this forever.’ I won’t have to work two jobs forever.
Remy put a cushion over the hole in the worst side of the orange couch and sat next to her mother, tucking her feet beneath her. She’d put a pair of thick socks on because her feet refused to feel warm.